Emergency lighting that will be there when you need it

Sitting there above the stairwell in the office, an often overlooked, but ubiquitous piece of equipment is the emergency exit sign.  In the case of power outage or emergency, you don’t want to find out the hard way that your equipment is not in working order.

In Australia, the installation and maintenance of emergency lighting is governed by AS/NZS 2293 Parts 1, 2 and 3.  It is not something you can afford to ignore, as the health and safety of everyone in your building relies on it, and penalties can apply for non-conformance.

Some of the tests under the standard includes a thermal or duration test, a photometric test, and a colour, luminance and format test, to ensure it is compliant. Battery discharge testing must be conducted every six months, and must remain at the required brightness for 90 minutes.  Professional inspections are recommended to ensure your signs are all in working order.

You might have also noticed that the pictograph of the running man has replaced the word ‘EXIT’, which is proven to be far safer and easier to understand regardless of language-proficiency, and is required for all new commercial buildings.

Consider the placement of your emergency signs, especially outside the climate-controlled office environment. There are now weatherproof, double lamp or wall mounted options that provide more flexibility and enable these areas to be compliant.  It is important to check the IP rating is IP65 or greater, to ensure that your emergency signs will stand up to the potential for water or dust ingress that might affect their operation.

Another reason for converting to LED for emergency lighting is the low power usage of LED when in battery-backup mode, as well as for the proven long-life lumens and output reliability.  

Earthlight Emergency LED range

Adding to our comprehensive Fixed LED range, Earthlight are pleased to add the new Emergency and Exit lighting range to suit any commercial or industrial application.

For more information, click here.

Why Choose Earthtrack Group?

There is a good reason why Australian mining, industrial and commercial businesses choose Earthtrack.   We listen to our customers and work to ensure our product design and quality delivers superior performance while being fit-for-purpose and solves site problems.  Our EarthLight range is a comprehensive collection of high bays, flood lights (including sports), roadway, canopy, architectural and emergency LED lighting.

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